Grouped orders
You are members of a forum, an association, a community or simply family and want to place an order at the same time?

We offer a service of "bulk orders!

If you are at least 10 people wanting to order from our store, please contact us via the form or the contact tab to a part of you present (a representative as a contact will be appreciated for a concern Organization) and the availability of the products.
We will explain when the contact is made the procedure more in detail.
Note that for 'bulk orders' shipping costs are free for orders above or equal to €500, below shipping costs depend on the weight of the parcel, but rarely exceed €39.

The representative of the "bulk orders" or the Organizer is responsible for collecting information about the products and quantities ordered, addresses of deliveries and invoicing, to collect payment...

Once all validated by our commercial service and receipt of all the necessary orders will be sent in to each 'Member' to their respective addresses. An email will also be sent to each containing a number of tracking to track the delivery.
To "reward" the organizer of the bulk order, a 'gift' or 'commercial gesture' will be granted based on the total amount of the order.

See you soon!
Sales Department

Live better & high quality - Brands specialist
Expert from the sale of equipment, furniture and contemporary objects for the home, Garden, and well-being.